Marie Davoise
Experte Métier - Pays-Bas - The Hague
Fonction principale
Batanidza Zano Rekukwidzwa
Mécanisme international appelé à exercer les fonctions résiduelles des Tribunaux pénaux
Ville de l’organisme
The Hague
Langues parlées
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01 23 45 67 89
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Date de mise à jour
30 septembre 2022Biographie
Marie Davoise igweta rinoona nezvekodzero dzevanhu uye bhizinesi uye mutemo wepasi rose wehutsotsi. Iye inhengo yeLondon bar, kwaakadzidzira kusvika 2018 nekambani yeAnglo-Saxon Hogan Lovells, achiyambira makambani epasi rose nezvebasa ravo rekuremekedza kodzero dzevanhu. Mushure mechiitiko kuInternational Criminal Court, anga achishanda kubva muna 2019 kuHofisi yeMuchuchisi weMechanism (IRMCT) muHague. Dzimwe nzvimbo dzake dzehunyanzvi dzinosanganisira mutemo wepasi rose wekudyara (ISDS) uye mutemo weveruzhinji wepasi rose.
- 2020
Business, Armed Conflict, and Protection of the Environment: What Avenues for Corporate Accountability?
Goettingen Journal of International Law -
- 2019
When ‘PR’ does not rhyme with ‘BHR’: Public Relations, Business and Human Rights and the Khashoggi Report
Opinio Juris -
- 2018
Can’t Fight the Moonlight? Actually, You Can: ICJ Judges to Stop Acting as Arbitrators in Investor-State Disputes
EJIL: Talk!