Silvia Gagliardi

Experte Recherche - Irlande


Silvia Gagliardi ane PhD muHuman Rights (2018) kubva kuIrish Center for Human Rights, National University of Ireland, Galway. Anodhinda pamusoro penyaya dzine chekuita nemhirizhonga yepabonde uye mhirizhonga kuvanhukadzi, kodzero dzevanhu verudzi rwechivanhu pamwe nekodzero dzevashoma nemadzimai echivanhu. Thesis yake yehudoctor yakaburitswa naRoutledge muna 2020. Asati ajoina UCD Sutherland School of Law, akashanda kwemakore anopfuura gumi kumaINGOs akati wandei nemaIOs, kusanganisira Hofisi yeUnited Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. man uye OSCE.

Passages médias

  • Feminismo, Derecho Internacional y las Mujeres Amazigh - 2022