ِِDorna Javan

Experte Recherche - France - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - Lyon


Dorna Javan mudzidzi wechiremba mune zvematongerwo enyika sainzi ATER paScience Po muLyon, Triangle UMR 5206.
Anoshanda pakuunganidza uye kufamba kwezvakatipoteredza, kuoma kweLake Urmia, mitemo yezvakatipoteredza, uye mitemo yemvura muIran.
Iye zvakare anofarira uye akashanda pane Iranian zvematongerwo enyika uye magariro mafambiro (ecological uye ethnic mafambiro) muIran.
Parizvino seATER ari kutungamira makosi ezvematongerwo enyika, nzira dzesainzi yezvemagariro uye nezvematongerwo enyika ezvematongerwo enyika paScience Po muLyon.


  • Radio Zamaneh - 2022

    La nouvelle articulation des mouvement social et du mouvement écologiste en Iran : vers la publicisation et la mise à l'agenda de la catastrophe écologique du lac Ourmia

    Iran and the turn of the Century, The 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Iranian Studies- ICCI,
  • Dorna Javan - 2019

    The agenda-setting process of the drying up of Urmia Lake in the case of the drying up of Lake Urmia through ecological mobiliations

    Congrès international des sciences sociales (FSECON)